最后更新于2024年5月28日星期二21:05:39 GMT


在不断发展的人工智能世界中, keeping our customers secure 和 maintaining their trust is our top priority. As AI technologies integrate more deeply into our daily operations 和 services, they bring a set of unique challenges that dem和 a robust management strategy:

  1. 黑匣子困境: AI models pose significant challenges in terms of transparency 和 predictability. 这种不透明的性质会使诊断和纠正问题的工作复杂化, 使可预测性和可靠性难以实现.
  2. 模型的脆弱性人工智能的表现与其处理的数据密切相关. 随着时间的推移, subtle changes in data input—known as data drift—can degrade an AI system’s accuracy, 需要不断的监测和调整.
  3. 容易获取,责任大: 的 democratization of AI through cloud services means that powerful AI tools are just a few clicks away for developers. This ease of access underscores the need for rigorous security measures to prevent misuse 和 有效的ly manage vulnerabilities.
  4. 保持领先地位人工智能监管仍处于形成阶段, proactive development of self-regulatory frameworks like ours helps inform our future AI regulatory compliance frameworks; but most importantly, 它在我们的客户之间建立了信任. When thinking about AI’s promises 和 challenges, we know that trust is earned. 但这种信任也是全球政策制定者担忧的问题, 和 that is why we are looking forward to engaging with NIST on discussions related to the AI 风险 Management, 网络安全, 及私隐架构. 这也是为什么我们是《 CISA安全设计承诺 to demonstrate to government stakeholders 和 customers our commitment to building things 和 underst和ing the stakes at large.

我们的信任, 风险, 和 Security Management) framework isn’t merely a component of our operations—it’s a foundational strategy that guides us in navigating the intricate l和scape of AI with confidence 和 security.


Rapid7利用现有的最佳技术来保护我们的客户 攻击表面. Our mission drives us to keep abreast of the latest AI advancements to deliver optimal value to customers while 有效的ly managing the in在这里nt risks of the technology.

创新和科学卓越是我们人工智能战略的关键方面. 我们力求不断改进, 利用最新的技术创新和科学研究. 通过与思想领袖接触并采用最佳实践, 我们的目标是保持在人工智能技术的前沿, ensuring our solutions are not only 有效的 but also pioneering 和 thoughtful.

Our AI principles center on transparency, fairness, safety, security, privacy, 和 accountability. 的se principles are not just guidelines; they are integral to how we build, 部署, 管理我们的人工智能系统. 问责制是我们战略的基石, 和 we hold ourselves responsible for the proper functioning of our AI systems so we can ensure they respect 和 embody our principles throughout their lifecycle. 这包括持续的监督, 定期审计, 并根据反馈和不断发展的标准进行必要的调整.

We have leveraged a number of AI risk management frameworks to inform our approach.  最明显的是, we have adopted the NIST AI 风险 Management Framework 和 the Open St和ard for Responsible AI. 这些框架帮助我们全面评估和管理人工智能风险, 从开发的早期阶段到部署和持续使用. 的 NIST的框架 为生命周期风险管理提供了一个全面的方法, while the Open St和ard offers practical tools for evaluation 和 ensures that our AI systems are user-centric 和 responsible.

We are committed to ensuring that our AI 部署ments are not only technologically advanced but also ad在这里 to the highest st和ards of security 和 ethical responsibility.


We take a practical approach to ad在这里 to our AI TRiSM framework by integrating it into the daily operations of our existing technologies 和 processes, 确保人工智能增强而不是使我们的安全态势复杂化;

  1. 明确的规则: We have developed 和 implemented detailed enterprise-wide policies 和 operational procedures that govern the 部署ment 和 use of AI technologies. 的se guidelines ensure consistency 和 compliance across all departments 和 initiatives.
  2. 透明度问题: We leverage our own tooling to gain visibility into our cloud security posture for AI.  We leverage InsightCloudSec solutions to provide comprehensive visibility into our AI 部署ments across various environments. 这种可见性对我们的安全战略至关重要, 被哲学所概括, “你无法保护你看不见的东西." It allows us to monitor, evaluate, 和 adjust our AI resources proactively.
  3. 整个开发生命周期: We integrate rigorous AI evaluations at every phase of our software development lifecycle. From the initial development stages to production 和 through regular post-部署ment assessments, 我们的框架确保人工智能系统是安全的, 有效的, 并符合我们的道德标准.
  4. 智能管理: By embedding AI-specific governance protocols into our existing code 和 cloud configuration management systems, 我们严格控制所有与人工智能相关的活动. This integration ensures that our AI initiatives comply with established best practices 和 regulatory requirements.
  5. 授权我们的团队: We recognize the critical need for advanced AI skills in today’s tech l和scape. 为了解决这个问题, 我们提供培训项目和合作机会, which not only foster innovation but also ensure ad在这里nce to best practices. This approach empowers our teams to innovate confidently within a secure 和 supportive environment.

Integrating AI into our core processes enhances our operational security 和 underscores our commitment to ethical innovation. 在Rapid7, 我们致力于负责任地领导人工智能领域, ensuring that our technological advancements positively contribute to our customers, 公司, 和社会.

我们的人工智能TRiSM框架不仅仅是一套政策,而是一项积极的行动, strategic approach to securely 和 ethically harnessing new technologies. As we continue to innovate 和 push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI, we stay focused on setting a high bar for st和ards of responsible 和 secure AI usage, ensuring that our customers always receive the best technology solutions. 了解更多 在这里.

